The Importance of Eating Right

Everybody knows what good food is, but what really makes it “good” food?

Most of what makes up the food you eat is a couple of simple yet complex ingredients. Amino Acids (or Proteins), Lipids, Carbohydrates, and Vitamins and Minerals. What makes these things so important for your body to function.

Amino Acids or Protein are used to repair cells that your body breaks down and uses daily. You may hear bodybuilders talk about their diet consisting largely of protein, this is because of the muscle cells that are broken down daily for bodybuilders or athletes. When you break down muscle fibers and cells, they require a certain amount of proteins to build the muscle cells back to a functional state.

Lipids, Lipids are typically your fats that are used to fuel your body or to create hormones. Many people think of fats being bad for you because of the name, “fat” but what they don’t understand is how important fat is for your body to function. The right form of fat is known as “unsaturated” or “saturated” fats, typically olive oil, butter, wild game meat, Avocados, and others.

Carbohydrates or Carbs. Carbs are what mainly gives your body the ability to function and gives you energy. These carbs can be found in fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, and almost any good food.

The final thing on my list is Vitamins and Minerals which will help balance or create important elements like Iron, Calcium, and Vitamins.

So what makes up good food? Well, this is going to be a balance of all of these suited for your personal body type.




What Makes An Animal Intelligent

In the animal kingdom, the amount of intelligence is measured by their problem-solving ability. The wild requires you to survive by completing complex tasks such as finding food, water, shelter, or a mate. Since we are not able to sit a group of gorilla’s down, have them take a test, we must measure their intelligence by how they survive or complete certain tasks.

We as humans look to Apes as the smart creatures in the animal kingdom, however, when we look to other animals we can find almost the same problem-solving ability. There have been several tests given to the common Raven to test their problem-solving ability. Surprisingly the Raven was able to complete tasks given to them to collect the food. Their survival instinct to collect food was able to complete the tests given to them.

Now, the amount of intelligence we give an animal should be by their survival ability, but, intelligence can be measure from apes by their emotional understanding. Scientists have lived with groups of the Apes had have found that they can communicate through body language and emotion. This is extremely complex for some animals to understand but it is not a necessity for survival to some creatures. So, the intelligence is by how they can survive.

I hope you had enjoyed this week’s essay.

Business Plans

When people think business plans, they often think of business start-up plans. That’s hardly the  only time you should use a business plan. Business plans can be used in any stage of your company. A worldwide enterprise and small town business can both use a business plan to execute their plans.

The best use of a business plan is to execute a certain phase of your company. Whether it’s a plan to extend your advertising, or a plan to increase your annual growth, a plan will do you wonders.

We’ll start will increasing your annual growth. A plan will require phases, phase 1, two, three, etc. These phases will help everything go in order. The first phase should typically be a nutshell of your plan, a vision, a purpose.

Now that you have your plan it’s time for the second phase, your target. It’s a certain demographic of people you want to reach. It’s your target you need to reach in order to reach your goal.

Phase 3. Phase three is going to be identifying your competitors or what is stopping you from reaching your goal.

Phase 4. Phase four is identifying whether you need extra hands or services in order to complete your plan.

Phase 5. Supplies needed or vendors to execute your ‘vision’.

Phase 6. Phase six is marketing. How will you market you plan to demographics or get your idea out there.

Phase 7. Understanding the operations and how you will get it done as efficient as possible.

Phase 8 is financial projections. How much money is required in order to complete your goal.

This is just an idea of how your business plan should work and can be used or modified in any way. As you can see it look just like a plan. It is. You can use it as a plan to execute just about anything.

I hope you had enjoyed this week’s essay.

How Life Has Certain Repeats

If you look at certain living creatures such as Animals or Plants, you’re able to see some repeats in how the body or organism functions. When you compare the Human body to a plant such as a common Aspen tree, you’re able to see that they both function in a similar manner. The human body has a blood flow which helps muscle repair and many other important functions. The plant also has a vascular tissue, the same has Humans and Animals, however, instead of transporting blood, the tissue will transport water and minerals which are required for the plant to thrive and repair.

When you have been cut, a blood vessel will have been struck and it will cause blood to flood out of the cut. After a while the blood will colorize and create a temporary ‘scab’. When a pine tree has been cut it will also have sap that will flood out of the cut and form a temporary ‘scab’. Later on a stronger scab will have formed and will help keep blood flow which will help the cut to heal.

As you can see there is certain ways that life has become similar in many ways. I hope you enjoyed this week’s essay.

The Fourth Crusade

The Fourth Crusade was a crusade called upon by Pope Innocent the third, but we can’t start there.

During the rise of the Turkish Empire the Turks and began to capture the Anatolia from the Byzantine Empire. The holy Roman empire had many allies and with a large spread of Christianity, there was a large number of people to help assist the Byzantine Empire in the re-capture of Anatolia. This attack was called by Pope Urban II around the year 1095. The attack was scheduled at the Council of Clemont and had established it as a military attack to aid the Byzantine Empire. The first crusade was a successful victory and they were able to take back Anatolia.

This wasn’t the last crusade of the Holy Roman Empire but rather it was the first of nine crusades scheduled by a different pope every time. Some crusades weren’t as successful but I’m here to talk about the fourth crusade.

The Fourth Crusade was an expedition to take back Jerusalem from the large Muslim Church. This Crusade was called by Pope Innocent III. The original plan was to take back Jerusalem by attacking the largest Muslim state of all time, Egyptian Ayyubid Sultanate. The Empire was unsuccessful in taking back Jerusalem and the fourth crusade was abolished.

How A Plant’s Circulatory And Nervous System Compare To The Human Body’s System

Most people know that a plant doesn’t have a nervous system like the human body, however, plants do have a way of communicating with the rest of system and plant. In a way you could say that it’s a plant’s nervous system. Disturbed or excited plant cells will release an amino acid called glutamate. This will be able to reach any other part of the plant. The human body also has the ability to release amino acid which triggers protein growth or works with muscle growth, it also has the affect to communicate with the nervous system.

A plant’s circulatory system is close to a human body’s system in many ways. The transportation of minerals and water is closely similar to the blood flow of the human body. The human bodies blood flow will come from the heart, similar to a human body the plant’s “heart” is the roots of the plant. The roots will absorb water and minerals from the soil (which is crucial for plant growth) and transport them to the rest of the plant in the Xylem and Phloem vessels which is similar to the human body blood vessels. As you are able to look at your arm and see the blood vessels you can look at leafs from a tree (Aspen is best) and see the vessels that are used to transport the water and minerals which become vital for growth.

A plant system can die similar to the human body. If a blood infection reaches the heart, the infection is transported to all parts of the body and can kill the system. Similar to the plant’s system but a plant has the ability to grow roots out of the soil and start a new system. Once the system is able to thrive on its own it has no need remain connected the main plant.

I hope you had enjoyed this essay.

What We Learned About Islam

Like many religions, Islam teaches that there is only one God, this God is known as Allah. Allah is the creator of the universe and all mankind. The religion was originally founded in Saudi Arabia by the prophet known as Muhammad. Muhammad is not worshipped as a God but is seen as the voice of God. Muhammad will receive revelation from God to direct the church.

Every common religion will have a book or a text that is looked upon for direction. Like the Holy Bible, the Islamic religion has the Quran. The Quran (like the Holy Bible) has revelation given from God (Allah) to the prophet Muhammad.

The Islamic religion grew at such a large speed through the many traders that took routes to Asia and the far East. They also had missionaries that would travel abroad to teach of the religion. Once a leader of a community was converted, the leader would make certain laws to instruct the people of the religion.

Islam is still a religion today and can be seen in many countries.

The Power Shift In The Frankish Empire

The Frankish Empire was ruled under a king known as Childeric the 3rd. Childeric was part of the Merovingian family. The past kings of the Frankish Empire were also part of the Merovingian family. During the reigns of the Merovingians there was a large amount of power shifted away from the king, instead of having a king be the ruler it had shifted so that the Mayor’s of the Palace (which were appointed by the king) had ruled over the empire. The Mayor’s of the Palace were members of a family known as the Carolingians. The Mayor of the Palace at the time was Charles Martel. Charles had become aware that for the past reigns of the Merovingians there had become such a lack in power for the king that it was nearly a title.

The son of Charles Martel (Pepin the Short) had also become aware of this and he saw an opportunity for the Carolingians to become the new rulers of the Frankish Empire. Pepin knew that he couldn’t just take the throne from Charles Martel, the people wouldn’t see Pepin as a legitimate ruler, so he went to the Pope (Pope Gregory the third) where the Pope had agreed to anoint Pepin the Short as the new ruler of the Frankish Empire, and so ended the reign of of the Merovingian family which was proceeded by the Carolingian family.

What Was Rome’s Role in Western Civilization

Many people would argue that Ancient Rome was the most beneficial empire to the Western Civilization, I could not tell you if it was true or not, but, there is a large amount of evidence that proves so.

The Roman Empire’s growth came from conquer, the only way that Ancient Rome grew to the marvelous Empire it was had to come from conquering. Once Rome’s money supply began to shrink and they were no longer able to tax the citizens at a low amount they would then go and war with other countries.

Western Civilization would strive on political systems, belief systems and traditional customs. When you look at the Ancient Roman Empire you can see a lot of today’s lifestyle and political systems being used. For instance the Roman Empire was either the first or one of the first Empire’s to have a Republic. The Republic was the same as it is in the United States. The power was given to the Senate, (Same as today) which was elected by the citizens. People see Ancient Rome as an Anarchy but that was hardly it. They had Law’s and they had Order.

The Roman Empire was the basis of the largest religion today, the Roman Catholic Church. This gave Rome a belief and a system.

In final. You are able to see how important Ancient Rome was. They gave the world the idea of a Republic and Democracy. They also gave Western Civilization the importance of  religion and belief. You are able to look close enough into Ancient Rome and see how the United States and a large amount of other countries adopted the important role’s of Ancient Rome and Western Civilization.

I hope you had enjoyed my review of Ancient Rome.

What Business Opportunity Most Intrigued Me

Throughout this week, in my business course we had discussed the multiple business selling opportunity’s and I had chosen to write this post on Online Selling.

A business that only sells to a small town is always going to have a restriction from growing. There’s only small amount of people to sell to in a town. If you increase your business size and begin to sell your product online, you have just opened another door to  increase your business size. With many online sites to sell your product on, you have many options to where to sell your product on.

With the richest man in the world coming from his company that only sells online, you can understand why there is such a demand for products online.

Since I started my business, all the money that I have received has come from online product sells. With being able to advertise my products on sites that have the demand for my particular service, it’s easy for me to sell online to the right demand.

In final. The best way to sell your product is to reach out to local people but also being able to find the right demand on certain sites or even advertising on Facebook. With all of my sells coming through advertising through Facebook’s ad service it is plain and simple to begin selling online.

I hope you have enjoyed this quick paper on selling products online and feel free to look at previous posts on why I started selling online.