The State’s Power and Authority

There is a lot of questions on the power and authority of the state. Whether they have a right to decide what belongs to you and what doesn’t, how much money you should make and what you should pay for.

In the book “How to Argue with a Liberal” you can find many phrases depicting what the government should do and have power over. The same applies for the state’s authority. In the book it says that the government should only be there to do what the public cannot do on it’s own. It also talks about the right that the public has to private and public property.

The question still stands for what the State has power over. The state should have no authority over private property. They cannot decide what is yours and what belongs to the state or the public, that system was tried and tested through both Communism and Socialism. You can see how much power communist governments have over the people, the public has little to no rights.

The state should have no authority over public property such as parks and other public spaces.

The state should have no power over rights and amendments.

In final the state’s position is to do what the public is unable to do on it’s own.

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